Fort Worth ISD is providing breakfast and lunch to children who need it, through June 27th.

Last night in a dimly-lit parking lot, two different guys tried to get my number. They have no idea how close they came to being shot. So I'll provide a guideline of places to never pick up women.

Mondays at 10:35 am, lilD and Jennifer from Bossip have the scoop on all things that happened over the weekend!

JT, one half of City Girls, was recently denied early release, and she's sounding pretty down about it. So I wanna help her keep her head up in there, and give her some key phrases to avoid.

Salute to TDE's Jay Rock for receiving a key to the city of Watts! To help him celebrate, I've compiled a list of artists who also deserve this great honor.

There are more unattractive people in my DMs than anything...actually they're all unattractive. So I'm just about ready to make the leap and date someone facially-challenged. Here are some reasons why it might work.

The North Texas Honda Dealers is giving away free gas to veterans and active duty service members through Memorial Day.

Jada Pinkett Smith recently revealed that she had an unhealthy relationship with porn before meeting her husband Will. I don't want her to feel bad, so I've compiled a list of addictions way worse than a skin flick.

Well lookie there, I made it one year at my job! It's been an amazing 365 days, and I'm looking forward to many more years. That being said, I'm accepting all the gifts. If you're lost about to get a coworker for their 1-year anniversary, I got you.

Mother's Day is this Sunday, and maybe you're stuck on what to get your mom. Don't you dare get her a card. Here are some better ideas:

Have you looked outside? The weather is dreary, and the only good reason to subject your hair to it is......well, there isn't one. But don't feel bad when you put that bonnet on.

We've all had those days where you just don't feel like getting out of bed. You're comfortable, found that wonderful warm spot on the pillow, and life is perfect. have to go to work. Here are some excuses that should get you out of work but ensure you keep your job.