Attorney General Jeff Sessions revoked a directive established during the Obama administration pertaining to phasing out private prisons, offering support for the continued use of the institutions.

News & Gossip

"13th" analyzes the criminalization of African-Americans, the U.S. prison boom, and their connections to the 13th Amendment.

News & Gossip

Rep. Jeffries dissected the history of Africans in America and the Black experience in the United States.

These children raise awareness about the effects of mass incarceration in Father's Day love letters.

News & Gossip

Out of 100,000 people in America, 716 are currently behind bars and sadly, there are a disproportionate number of African-Americans serving time in our nation's prison industrial complex.

News & Gossip

Senghor told Martin he was sentenced to 17 to 40 years at the age of 19: "Going into that environment, I had no hopes of ever getting out. I didn't even think about getting out, it was pretty much like I had to leave everything I knew about life behind and prepare myself to do the rest of my life in prison."

So Beautiful

Bill Clinton admits that signing the 1994 crime bill made mass incarceration in America a major problem.

After winning an Academy Award alongside Common this past February, John Legend used the platform to give a speech to raise awareness about the issues…