Colin Kaepernick has gained a lot of support when it comes to his controversial protest of the National Anthem – but he's also gained a few haters.

The whirlwind spurred by Colin Kaepernick‘s decision not to stand during the National Anthem has prompted racist opposition to lash out in many ways, like burning Kaepernick’s jersey, or even going so far as to demand that black athletes leave the country if they don’t like it so much. Jeff Johnson explains the misguided mind-work […]

As Kaepernick’s powerful message continues to expand its reach, athletes unite in solidarity to take a stand. These are the athletes who have united against social injustice and police brutality in America.

As Kaepernick’s powerful message continues to expand its reach, athletes unite in solidarity to take a stand. These are the athletes who have united against social injustice and police brutality in America.

As Kaepernick’s powerful message continues to expand its reach, athletes unite in solidarity to take a stand. These are the athletes who have united against social injustice and police brutality in America.

As Kaepernick’s powerful message continues to expand its reach, athletes unite in solidarity to take a stand. These are the athletes who have united against social injustice and police brutality in America.

Plus, 9 dead, including 5 children, in horrific Memphis house fire and a Massachusetts high school student's suspension lifted after taking a Kaepernick knee during football game.

News & Gossip

The NFL kicked off its 2016 season with fans upset over Colin Kaepernick's protest and the booing of Pres. Obama's video taped message.

Colin Kaepernick exercising his right to sit during the National Anthem has sparked something much more powerful than outrage. His actions, and the words he has since put behind them, have sparked inspiration for people across the country. Athletes at essentially every level of sports have followed Kaepernick’s lead- and the buck doesn’t just stop […]

With the first week of the 2016 NFL season in the books, more players have joined Colin Kaepernick's stand against injustice.

Chris Brown has had a rough few weeks following his gun-saga arrest, but he's back to his old unapologetic self.

On FOXSports, Shannon Sharpe didn’t hold back when telling Skip Bayless what the deal is with the black community and their history with racism in America. While many people in Shannon’s position would back down from the challenge of laying out such a complex explanation, or possibly tip-toe around it, Sharpe gave him 100% truth. […]