Last night at the Golden State Warriors game against the Mavs, a young man by the name of Lucas showed up with a sign asking Riley Curry to be his Valentine.

Beyoncé wore a huge statement piece for NBA All-Star Weekend as she sported a custom-painted Scooter LaForge trench coat. Queen B doesn’t have to be…

Valentine’s Day is tomorrow, and Corey Holcomb has a few reminders for all the side chicks out there. This is not your day ladies! Listen to the audio…

If you aren’t currently in a relationship—and especially if you’ve recently ended one—you might not be looking forward to Valentine’s Day. The lovey-dovey cards, heart-shaped…

The holiday of love is fast approaching, and it’s the perfect time to show your affection to your friends, family members or significant other. Whether…

Valentine’s Day is this week, and couples want to know how they can spice things up on this day. Spirit shares how you can do just that…

If you get an unexpected call from your man today, hang up, you’re not safe! Listen to the audio player to hear why people are…

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, but many couples are confused about the dos and don’ts of this special day. Should you go to dinner? Should…

Are you a single lady dreading Valentine’s Day? Stop it right now. You’re not alone! There are plenty of single women who don’t avoid Valentine’s…