Everything you need to know about the landmark battle between the technology giant and the FBI.

A California woman confessed to killing her ex-boyfriend in a Facebook post in what she says was an act of self-defense.

The FBI announced Wednesday that the San Bernardino shooters did not openly post on social media about jihad, but did have conversations about martyrdom using "private direct messages."

News & Gossip

Government shutdowns have become a regular topic of conversation in Washington D.C. for the last few years. While many thought the talk of shutting down the government would have ended with Speaker of the House John Boehner’s retirement, politicians are still continuing to use it as a threat, and congressional gridlock is becoming rather normal. The […]

President Obama's remarks on terrorism weren't substantial enough for the Republican presidential candidates who took to social media to share what they would be doing to thwart terrorism if they were president.

In the wake of the mass shootings in San Bernardino, President Obama will address the nation regarding terrorism on December 6th at 8pm ET

The Islamic State of Islam revealed on Saturday that the married couple who killed 14 people in San Bernardino, Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, were followers of the terrorist group Three days after the shooting, the extremist group made the announcement in an online radio broadcast, saying “Two followers of Islamic State attacked several days ago […]

Viewers of multiple cable outlets such as MSNBC and CNN witnessed disturbing footage of reporters going through personal items at the home of the San Bernardino shooting suspects, leading to an apology from MSNBC.