President Obama issued a matter-of-fact (read: awful) speech after news broke that Darren Wilson would not face charges for the murder of Michael Brown.…

After a St. Louis County grand jury’s decision not to indict Darren Wilson, a Ferguson, Mo., police officer, in the murder of unarmed teen Michael Brown last night, the…

News & Gossip

Speaking after a grand jury decision not to indict Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of 18-year-old unarmed Michael Brown, Jr., President…

News & Gossip

St. Louis police chief Jon Belmar and Highway Patrol captain Ron Johnson held a press conference at 2:30 a.m. ET. Belmar claims that over 150…

News & Gossip

Family attorney Benjamin Crump released the following statement from Michael Brown, Sr. and Lesley McSpadden, parents of Michael Brown, Jr. Brown Family Statement: “We are…

See how people all over the country reacted to the decision from the Ferguson grand jury.          

For a few weeks now, I and presumably other writers like me, have been asked to brace ourselves for this moment and to have our…

The family of Michael Brown has released a statement following the announced by Prosecutor McCulloch on the Grand Jury’s finding of no probable cause to…

News & Gossip

With so many public figures—from President Barack Obama to Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon—telling Black people how we should respond peacefully if Darren Wilson isn’t indicted…


We’ll keep updating these scenes from and nearby Ferguson, Missouri as members of the community, protesters and the media react to the events unfolding before,…

As far as “post-racial” and “New Black” famous Negroes go, Whoopi Goldberg is a pioneer. When she discusses race, it’s enough to make your average…