National News

The latest on Bobbi Kristina: While Bobbi is still fighting for her life, CNN is reporting that they have removed her breathing tube and has…

Krista and Jami Contreras are a married lesbian couple with an adorable baby girl. Six days after she was born, back in October, they had…

The Department of Justice is seriously close to filing a lawsuit against the police department of Ferguson, seven months after disgraced cop Darren Wilson fatally…

“Running, always, you have to keep going, going,” is what Kenyan marathoner Hyvon Ngetich said to reporters after she chose to crawl on her hands and knees…

Chapel Hill shooting suspect Craig Stephen Hicks has been indicted for the Feb. 10 murders of three Muslim student. On Monday Hicks was charged with…

The foolishness that you’re about to read is so over-the-top ridiculous, all you can do is laugh or roll your eyes and keep it moving. State Representative…

The Obama Administration has expressed extreme disappointment over U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen‘s rulings against President Obama‘s deferment of deporting young immigrants, which was set to solidify this…

Haiti recently celebrated Carnival in Port au Prince and tragedy struck the celebration when a man on top of a float was electrocuted. He was…

A Mississippi Judge is seeing himself on the other side of the bench after allegations surfaced he attacked a disabled man nine months ago. Madison…

Jackie Robinson West has been stripped of the U.S. Little League Championship that they worked so hard to earn at the Little League World Series…

An Alabama Police Department has just released horrifying dashboard camera video of a grandfather visiting from India being slammed to the ground by an officer.  Sureshbhai…

A federal jury awarded nearly $15 million to seven warehouse workers who filed a complaint against a trucking company of separating black workers from their…