Today in WTF news, police in Florida say a woman has confessed to having sex with her pit bull and capturing the sick moment in…

Graduations are meant to be special moments between students and their families, but one family is now facing charges for cheering on their relatives during a…

Maybe it was the pressure of being on live TV, maybe she just really needed to go. Either way, this moment is one for the…

Liana Barrientos has been a very busy woman. And not in any way you might expect. In the past eleven years, she has married ten…

A 19-year-old named Jalin Smith-Walker is wanted for running over another female after a wild fight in their Michigan hometown. The incident began as a fight…

“Exclusively for white people” stickers appear on six East Austin business. #Racism #Texas — J. David McSwane (@davidmcswane) March 18, 2015 Police and…

The race relations topic brought a dark cloud over a 10-year-old’s birthday party in Tennessee last week, when a friend of another race wrote a letter explaining…

A judge in Sandy Springs, Ga. last week sentenced a sanitation worker to 30 days behind bars for, well, starting work too early, according to…

Say it ain’t so!!?? Read the full story here: