Wow! I mean WOW! Last night’s episode of “Scandal” perfectly titled “Kiss Kiss Bang Bang” was quite possibly the best episode in the entire series.…

Television is dead. Long live television. Thanks to an established symmetry between social media and broadcast TV, audiences watching while online have helped propel “old…

News & Gossip

Successful producer, and ex-wife of singer Babyface, Tracey Edmonds says that while she likes ABC’s “Scandal,” one diverse show on a major network isn’t sufficient…

Legendary African-American publication Ebony Magazine has found itself in some hot water following its “Scandal Issue.” The magazine is being sued by Leon Isaac Kennedy,…

Season three of “Scandal” seems to have taken a major detour from the show’s original blueprint and this wouldn’t be a problem, but unfortunately we…


Okay gladiators we’re not sure if you are feeling the way that we are about this recent revelation but according to, ABC has ordered…

SPOILER ALERT: This review contains spoilers. When I saw this weeks “Scandal” episode was titled “Everything’s Coming Up Mellie” I was thrilled. I have been a…

A petition has been started against EURweb writer Cory A. Haywood, for his Nov. 3 misogynist, racist rant against Black women entitled, “The Black Hat:…

Ladies (and gentlemen) our favorite show, “Scandal”, has finally returned. Yes, that’s right, America’s “fixer,” Olivia Pope, is back! Wigs were snatched, lives were got…

The world’s watching Kerry Washington, and she absolutely knows it. The Emmy Award nominee and media shy actress gave a revealing interview at The Paley…

Bernice Jenkins is back with her church announcements, and she’s talking about why a fight broke out at a “Scandal” party. Plus, she has something…