A Mississippi Judge is seeing himself on the other side of the bench after allegations surfaced he attacked a disabled man nine months ago. Madison…

A federal jury awarded nearly $15 million to seven warehouse workers who filed a complaint against a trucking company of separating black workers from their…

The CEO of your favorite place to get a white chocolate mocha (or is that just us) has gone from admirable coffeehouse entrepreneur to impassioned orator. Howard…

On Tuesday, three Americans Muslims were tragically killed by Craig Stephen Hicks over a dispute about parking. Hicks has since surrendered to police and has…

Larenz Tate has starred in numerous black classic films, and he continues to fight the good fight to tell the stories that need to be…

At HelloBeautiful, our stance on being pro-Black woman and pro-Black girl are definitely loud and clear, but we know how to share the love too. We…

Yesterday, David Duke announced that he was considering running for a seat in Congress. We otherwise wouldn’t mind, except his last major role in leadership…

On Norfolk State University grounds, police sent dogs to attack female student and Army Reserve private London Colvin. According to reports, she refused to answer any…

News & Gossip

According to a new study released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there is a disparity in the amount of money that African-American workers with…

Three White male teenagers are considered suspects after a homeless man, 58-year-old John Frazier was set on fire while he slept in a sleeping bag at…