Hillary Clinton showed up to a labor protest outside of the Trump International Hotel and spoke to workers about their right to unionize.

The closer President Obama gets to ending his eight-year presidency, the more honest and confident he appears in interviews. After all, what’s he got to lose? In an interview with 60 Minutes, the POTUS was asked if he thought he could win a third term if he was allowed to run again, to which he […]

The shade: Charlie Rangel tweeted of photo drinking a smoothie while watching the chaos after Kevin McCarthy quit the speaker race.

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal says single mothers, absent fathers, and video games are to blame for the Oregon community college massacre.

Is Ben Carson victim blaming by saying he would attack the Oregon shooter instead of just "standing there?"

Ben Carson said he would be willing to give Kanye West a good look if he decides to run for president in 2020.

Here are 16 Black and famous Republicans you probably didn't know about.

69% percent of American voters oppose shutting down the government over Planned Parenthood, according to new poll results.

News & Gossip

The UN will bring together heads of state, business leaders, and humanitarians from all over the world to celebrate Black self-reliance.

While addressing a crowd in South Carolina Thursday, Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush said it was possible to garner more African-American votes by speaking words about “hope”…

In the midst of hammering out a plan to avert a federal government shutdown, House Speaker John Boehner announced he is retiring next month.