On March 4, roughly seven months after Officer Darren Wilson shot and killed unarmed Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, the Department of Justice released a…

Shonda Rhimes’ Scandal boldly took on a Ferguson-inspired storyline and it was an emotional experience for viewers. In last night’s “The Lawn Chair” episode, a young…

News & Gossip

On this week’s episode of Scandal, art imitated life as Olivia Pope and her team found themselves in the middle of the Rosemead neighborhood—just blocks…

On Tuesday, the Department of Justice found Ferguson’s Police Department guilty of racially charged practices (that targeted Black residents). But they also concluded that former cop…

During a Thursday press conference, Michael Brown‘s family attorneys announced they will file a civil lawsuit against the city of Ferguson following the Justice Department’s…

A day after a Justice Department investigation found fault in Ferguson, Mo. officers for their racially biased policing, officials are confirming that the officer who shot…

A Justice Department investigation launched amid allegations the Ferguson, Mo. police department grossly violated civil rights isn’t complete, but according to officials, the report is…

The Department of Justice is seriously close to filing a lawsuit against the police department of Ferguson, seven months after disgraced cop Darren Wilson fatally…

In the wake of former officer Darren Wilson’s shooting of Ferguson, Missouri teen Michael Brown that left Brown dead and Wilson a free man, dozens…

The outcry for social and racial equality–and the resulting protests across the nation–has forced Dartmouth College and create a new college course. With the deaths…