With all the ongoing civil unrest within today’s society, it’s good to see those with a voice speaking out against the various social injustices.…

News & Gossip

St. Louis County prosecutor Bob McCulloch released the findings of a federal autopsy report on Michael Brown Monday, UPI reports. RELATED: Eric Holder Curbs Racial…

TIME Magazine has made its decision for the annual “Person of the Year” issue. For 2014, the honor goes to the Ebola fighters who “risked and persisted, sacrificed…

Ever since being barred from entering the U.S., Yasiin Bey, formerly known as Mos Def, has kept himself out of the public. Aside from making…

Charles Barkley is about as qualified to speak on race as LeBron James is to be Sophia Vergara’s stunt double; as ready as singer K. Michelle…

Mike Brown, a name we’ve all come to know, was killed August 9 in Ferguson, Mo. by a white police officer, Darren Wilson. Philadelphia rapper…

Let the world say “duh.” We’re having a hard time not blank staring at the screen. The President just appeared on television to admit that…

Jon Stewart let FOX News know exactly how ridiculous they sound when discussing Ferguson. FOX has very clearly come down on the Darren Wilson side…

“We’re going to burn this motherfucker to the ground.” Killer Mike grabbed the microphone and hold of the crowd in NYC for a set of…