Capping off a week of events and political actions to tackle prison reform, President Obama on Thursday became the first sitting president to visit a…

News & Gossip

Michigan Senator Gary Peters (D) joined Roland Martin Thursday on NewsOne Now to discuss the National Criminal Justice Commission Act of 2015. Peters’ bill has already received…

NewsOne’s Top 5 takes a quick look at the stories trending on that you are talking about. Today’s list includes: Baltimore Police Defend “Hold The…

America has long condoned violence against Black women, which is why the viral video of a Texas police officer grabbing an unarmed, bikini-clad teenage girl…

#BREAKING: After 4decades of #solitary confinement, tonight a judge granted #AlbertWoodfox unconditional release! — AmnestyInternational (@amnesty) June 8, 2015 A federal district court on…

A 22-year-old man who spent three years in jail at New York City’s Rikers Island without ever being convicted of a crime died this weekend…

News & Gossip

After serving nearly 30 years in prison for a crime he did not commit, being released back in society should be the easy part for James…

News & Gossip

A  Mississippi Republican judge has been indicted on an assault charge after striking a mentally disabled man and hurling racial slurs at him last spring…