
This label should be used to categorize VIDEOS, including station videos, promotional videos, and anything else that includes videos. EXCEPT MUSIC VIDEOS.

Weightlifter Squats Half A Ton And Spews – Watch more Funny Videos Source-

Is this a chick or is it a dude tuckin his mr no no?

After half a century of investigation, a former nuclear physicist -- who worked of fission and fusion rockets for companies like Westinghouse and Aerojet General Nucleonics -- is convinced that not only are UFOs real, the government has known about them since 1947.

Are they drunk? Or retarded? You decide!


This dude said "I look like Jesus" , not so much. Way to fail infidel !!!!!

This video should be a hell of a way to start your Friday off. When I spotted this huge girl jumping from a swing I thought it might just be thee funniest of the year so far.

Check out all the exclusive coverage of American Idol 2010!