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3. They Make Time: As one of Hollywood’s busiest power couples, Will and Jada SMith are always working.  If they’re not acting, they’re producing, closing deals for futures productions or researching ventures that they can buy into. With that said, the couple still makes time for family.  It’s something that Will stated was very important to him when he married Jada. Because he had a son from a previous marriage, it was important that all of them worked to spend time quality time together–for the good of the family.

4. They Believe: Yes, they simply believe that their marriage, that each other, that them as a unit can and will work.  So many times, we give up because we stop believing.  In many Will Smith interviews, he truly believes in the power of the mind and using the mind to get what you want out of life. “A man who believes that he can or he can’t is always right,” is something he reiterated in one interview to bring home the point that what you believe, you manifest. The same is with marriage.  Believe that it WILL work.

So next time you hear or read something about this couple or any other couple, before spreading the news, you may just want to do your research. We love Black Love!

For more on your favorite couple or tips to help your own relationship, click here.

Will & Jada Pinkett Smith: What Keeps Them Together  was originally published on

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