The star's 20-year-old daughter Mackalia ‘Ila’ Adu has officially begun transitioning from a female to a male.

According to Gary With Da Tea, Caitlyn Jenner, who transitioned into a woman after revealing, at the time known to the world as Bruce Jenner, that she has been cross-dressing and feeling feminine for many, many years. Despite making the controversial transition from the man known for his Olympic gold medals into a woman before the world’s eyes at […]

Sometimes selfies just aren’t a vain extension of your beauty. In Jamie Raine’s case, they were used for purposeful documentation. The 21-year-old transgender man took a selfie every day for three years to document his transition. His photos were used in a time-lapse for the UK show Born in the Wrong Body, according to Mashable, in order […]

Learn from those who have walked the path before you. — Caitlyn Jenner (@Caitlyn_Jenner) June 6, 2015 The key to happiness is being true…