Here are all the top news headlines every smart black chick would want on her radar today. Your welcome.

After dropping a #BlackLivesMatter reference at the GRAMMY Awards, Prince is doubling down on his activism efforts in the wake of multiple unarmed black men…

News & Gossip

How much unrest will our country experience before we substantively address the injustices acutely impacting Black people? For months, across the nation, tens of thousands…

President Barack Obama has shared his thoughts on the riots that have erupted in Baltimore following the tragic death of Freddie Gray. During a press…

A woman’s First Amendment rights may have been violated last week when a U.S. Marshal allegedly destroyed her recording device while she was filming an arrest, the Huffington Post…

News & Gossip

During a wide-ranging and candid discussion with the Daily Telegraph about the state of the nation’s race relations, author Toni Morrison says America’s issues will not…

With a rising tide of tension surging between police officers and the Black community, the #BlackLivesMatter protests and the unfortunate series of events surrounding it…

News & Gossip

It’s almost here. On April 13 members of Justice League NYC will be joined by fellow activists and friends to embark on a historic journey…

Al Sharpton’s annual National Action Network conference kicked off this week with a panel that allowed the mother of Michael Brown to reveal some startling truths about her troubles since losing…

News & Gossip

While the nation witnessed countless protests, die-ins, and marches after the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown, Garner’s widow, Esaw Snipes, was struggling to find the strength…

Following the deaths of Black men, women, and children at the hands of police this past year, many athletes and celebrities used their platforms to…

In settlement of a lawsuit brought by Ferguson, Mo. protesters, three police agencies will restrict use of tear gas and other chemical weapons on crowds, according…