Gary with the Tea is upset that Dwayne Wade got his baby Mama arrested; Gary said she could have been caught in Traffic, Her kids will see her Mug shot Now, WHAT DO YOU THINK?

[AUDIO] Gary Spills the Tea on The Nude Picture Kanye “Accidently” Tweeted of Kim Kardasian, Was it Her, Do You Care???

[AUDIO] Gary Spills the Tea on Deion Sanders and Tracey Edmonds are working on a show about his life with Pilar, DO YOU THINK DEION SHOULD DO A SHOW INVOLVING HIS WIFE’S LIFE? Gary says “Who Knows How Tracey is going to portray Pilar in the show!

Rickey remembering how she acted up on his show… asked for Fruit but needed someone to cut it up properly… Gary says give her break… She comes from privilege…

Gary spills the Tea about @KanyeWest Selling his House so He can Move in with @KimKardashian WHAT DO YOU THINK?

Gary Says Tracey Even Took Deion to meet Her ex-husband Babyface. Gary also thinks Pilar needs to find her a fine man to parade around in Deion Face.