A day after a dismal Super Tuesday performance, one-time Republican presidential front-runner Ben Carson is expected to drop out of the race, saying he does not see a "path forward," according to the Washington Post.

CNN projected Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to win the South Carolina primary Saturday, beating Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

President Barack Obama is said to be considering nominating Republican Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval, a centrist former federal judge, to fill the Supreme Court vacancy, reports the Washington Post, which cites sources.

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NewsOne Now cameras were on hand at the taping of this year's Stellar Awards in Las Vegas where we caught up with Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton who was visiting the state for the Nevada Democratic Caucuses.

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Bill Clinton does what he wants. And what he wants to do is keep gotdamn trying it.

President Barack Obama on Saturday pledged to fill the Supreme Court seat left open by the sudden death of Justice Antonin Scalia, while Senate Republicans signaled that they would block any nominee.

Ted Cruz argues that he is eligible to serve as president, noting the distinction between natural-born and naturalized citizens.

Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders clashed Thursday on issues of race and immigration at the most recent debate as the race heads to South Carolina, where voters of color are key to winning next week's primary race.

New Hampshire voters will make their choice in the first-in-the-nation primary election Tuesday in an effort to narrow the field of presidential candidates for the 2016 race.

A new CNN Poll of Polls shows both candidates holding commanding leads in their respective races, but each faces a formidable opponent whose support is rising.

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Benjamin Crump, president of the National Bar Association and the civil rights attorney who represented the families of slain Black teens Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown, is scheduled to endorse Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, reports BuzzFeed.

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President Barack Obama and Democratic presidential candidate and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders are scheduled to meet Wednesday at the White House for an informal discussion ahead of key early races in Iowa and New Hampshire.