Why are the obituaries found in the “living” section of the newspaper? Follow Me On Twitter @Melthemack

If a man has no fingers, can he still press charges? Follow Me On Twitter @Melthemack

When pigs fart, does it smell like bacon? Follow Me on Twitter @Melthemack

Do fish ever get thirsty? Follow Me On Twitter @Melthemack

Do stuttering people stutter when they’re thinking to themselves? Follow Me On Twitter @Melthemack

Why is it we have the weight of the world on our shoulders but have to get it off our chests? Follow Me On Twitter @Melthemack

Can a person choke and die on a life saver? Follow Me On Twitter @Melthemack

Why do they lock gas station bathrooms? Are they afraid someone will clean them? Follow Me On Twitter @Melthemack

If a cow laughed real hard, would milk come out It’s nose? Follow Me on Twitter @melthemack

Why are there flotation devices under plane seats instead of parachutes? Follow Me On Twitter @melthemack

Brandy swings by to say what’s up to me and doesn’t she still look 12?? Check out the video because she’s gearing up to drop a new album and is still coming back to Television and has a part in the new Tyler Perry film, “The Marriage Counselor”

A FINE is a TAX for doing wrong. A TAX is a FINE for doing well!! Follow Me On Twitter @melthemack