News & Gossip

Thank you, America, for not pissing off the dark and discernible with your penchant for poor decision making. I’m sure it’s been super fun for…

Magic Johnson is an extremely wealthy man, but President Barack Obama will receive his vote, not Mitt Romney. Listen to Magic Johnson explain why he’s…

President Barack Obama faced blatant opposition and obstructionism from some Republicans in Congress during his Presidency, and he talks about this and the progress made…

News & Gossip

WASHINGTON — Here’s an image few probably expected to see six days before Election Day: President Barack Obama and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie –…

According to TheUrbanDaily: Just when you think President Obama can’t get any cooler, he pulls a fast one and enlists the entertainment swag of sir Hov for his democrat election eve rally. Not impressed? add Bruce Springsteen to the line-up! According to The Hollywood Reporter, the living legends will hit the stage together in Columbus, Ohio, before the […]

Donald Trump used Twitter as a means of attacking President Barack Obama during the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, claiming that Mother Nature was cooperating with the…

You’d have to be comatose not to laugh at Jon Stewart‘s “The Daily Show” Tuesday night. Headlined “Democalypse 2012 – We Missed NLCS Game 7…

“[Mitt Romney] will bring back the foreign policy of the 1980s, the social policy of the 1950s and the economic policy of the 1920s.” —…

News & Gossip

If you thought the “Saturday Night Live” parody of the vice-presidential debate between Vice-President Joe Biden and Congressman Paul Ryan was hilarious, then the spoof…

For a band of folks constantly denying members of their fold aren’t consumed with racism, various factions of the Tea Party sure enjoy dolling out racially…

Some pundits have described President Barack Obama‘s demeanor during the second Presidential Debate as angry, and Roland Martin sets them straight. ”To be firm is not…