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Hurricane Ian 2022 Cloud Map Gulf Of Mexico 3D Render Color

3D Render of a Topographic Map of the Gulf Of Mexico with the clouds from September 27, 2022 (Global Imagery Browse Services [GIBS] courtesy of NASA, GOES data courtesy of NOAA. Image courtesy of Getty Images).

Houston — May 16’s derecho that brought a tornado and damaging winds to the Houston area may only be the beginning of what’s to come this storm season. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration forecasted its most active Atlantic Ocean hurricane season for May yet on Thursday.

The NOAA projects 2024’s Atlantic hurricane season, lasting from June 1 to Nov. 30, an 85% chance this season will be above normal, in terms of activity. They believe there could be 17 to 25 named tropical storms, falling in line with many other experts and storm-tracking organizations on the idea of many named storms ahead. Some organizations have forecasted the possibility of well over 25 named storms, according to the Barcelona Supercomputing Center.

2024 Atlantic Cyclone Names

Source: NOAA

The organizations BSC tracks have predicted a range of seven to 16 potential hurricanes. According to NOAA administrator Rick Spinrad in a Thursday news conference, his agency’s forecasters predict eight to 13 hurricanes are possible to develop.

There are many factors leading to the speculation of an active tropical storm season, according to the NOAA. Near-record warm ocean temperatures for this time of year in the Atlantic, developing La Nina conditions in the Pacific Ocean and reduced Atlantic trade winds are a few of the conditions, according to the administration. Warm ocean temperatures create conditions that favor hurricane formation, allowing the storm to intensify in power as it moves across the sea.

How to prepare for a hurricane

In the event of a hurricane, given the forecast for this storm season, it’s important to know what to do beforehand as it may be the difference between life and death. More information on how to prepare for a hurricane can be found at

Preparation ahead of time includes monitoring local news and weather to be aware of developing and changing conditions. Planning evacuation routes, where to stay and what to take with are very important. Having a “go bag” packed ahead of time with essentials like food, water, batteries, important documents and other important items can make a big difference.

For belongings that remain behind, make sure exterior property is anchored down if it can be. Make sure you have the proper insurance and keep inventory of what you possess at home.

During a storm make sure to pay attention to information from local authorities. If told to evacuate, evacuate immediately. Moving to higher ground is the best way to avoid the danger of flood waters. If able, opt for staying away from windows and moving to the lowest level in an interior part of a building.

If on the road and faced with flooding, turn around and find another route. Flood waters can be deceptively deeper than they appear, easily stalling or sinking vehicles and sweeping them away in currents.

Only return to a storm-damaged area after the authorities say it’s safe to do so. Avoid entering damaged buildings unless they’ve been inspected by professionals. Be aware of downed power lines and maintain a 35-foot radius at least. Make sure not to move heavy debris alone and wear gloves and the appropriate footwear for protection.

NOAA Forecasts Most Active Hurricane Season Yet  was originally published on