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….cleanse, moisturize and protect,” said Dr. Crutchfield.

  1. Gently cleanse using a non-detergent cleanser like Vanicream Cleansing Bar or unscented Dove. Cleansing should be done with a gentle cotton wash cloth.
  1. To maintain hydration in the skin it’s important to use a moisturizing lotion at least twice a day, but especially after taking a bath or shower. “I recommend a Cerave Cream or lotion.”

  1. Lastly, protect the skin from the damaging rays of the sun and environmental pollutants like tobacco smoke.  “I recommend a broad spectrum sun screen SPF 30 or higher with UVA protection in addition to minimizing exposure to tobacco smoke.”

Now that we’ve gotten the morning skin care regimen down and you’re ready to show the world your new face, let’s take a look at how we can fix those skin issues that we see at our local barbershop.

For men suffering with razor bumps, also known as Pseudofolliculitis barbae, Dr. Dina Strachan says to not cut it too short. I know we like to wear the bald fades, but it might be agitating the issue to another level according to the skin care expert. The New York dermatologist recommends that men seek early treatment to avoid acne keloidalis nuchae, another form of razor bumps.

Dr. Nelson added that men should avoid using a razor to shave. Electric clippers are best for grooming the beard and mustache regions.

And brothers, if your boss is giving you trouble about having a beard at work you can hit him with the shaving profile letter that you can get from your dermatologist.

As we get older we need to become more conscious of the changes in the complexion and tone our skin. Dark complexion skin care expert Dr. Nelson encourages older men to seek out a dermatologist for an age-spot evaluation. This test detects viral lesions that may cause malignant skin changes in all races. Age spots are the result of hyperpigmentation on parts of the skin that have become darker due to sunlight.

She urges younger adolescent men to get evaluated for acne treatment to avoid permanent scarring in the future. Young men it’s nothing worse than being a reminded of an old scar when you’re grown.

All in all, skin care is possible and necessary for us as men. It can be quick, easy and ultimately beneficial for our health and handsome aspirations. Go see your doctor, keep a regimen and keep it healthy.


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The Black Man’s Guide To Smooth, Razor Bump-Free Skin  was originally published on

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