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3. There is always conflict. 

Do you and your friend make Porsha Stewart and Kenya Moore’s (from Real Housewives) relationship look tame? If so, “Houston, we have a problem!” There should be no reason why conflict is the center of your relationship, whether it be obvious conflict or underlying conflict. If you all can’t seem to get on the same page about anything, it may be time to go your separate ways!

4. Friendship whiplash is the norm. 

Do you and your friend have an on and of again relationship? Is your relationship with them beginning to feel like the one you had with your college ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend, the one that you loved so much you couldn’t let go? This is not a healthy friendship. According to Tarry, “If you’re engaged in an “on again, off again” friendship you have come back more than one time because you’re psychologically trying to either repair or replace the feelings you have about the relationship and usually there is a hope that in trying again maybe you’ll fix it or figure out what “it” is.”  If the relationship can’t be consistent more than it is inconsistent, say goodbye!

5. Trust is lost. 

When your friend betrays you it’s time to really evaluate. Does this mean kick them to the curb on sight? In some cases yes, but in most no. It does mean that you need to take a step back and think about the value of this relationship to you. Friends share so much of themselves and their lives with each other. When someone takes advantage of being a part of that, they may not be worthy of being in your circle. Do a gut check. If it doesn’t feel good or right, it’s time to move on!


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How To Recognize A Toxic Friend  was originally published on

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