The vice presidential hopeful addressed Donald Trump's claims of a rigged election, calling Trump's antics "insulting."

News & Gossip

  Congresswoman Joyce Beatty from Ohio’s 3rd Congressional district delivers this week’s CBC Message to America addressing the racial gap that exists amongst those attempting to achieve the American dream. While the American dream can be elusive and difficult for many to achieve, the Congressional Black Caucus is not willing to sit idly by as African-Americans lose hope in […]

News & Gossip

Why on Earth should women settle for equal pay when they are destined for more?

Yesterday, women’s right’s groups encouraged women nationwide to symbolically clock out of work at 2:07 p.m. in order to bring attention to the wage gap Black women face in the workplace. In particular, the Atlanta Women for Equality (AME) coalition also encouraged women to take to Twitter with the hashtag #BlackWomenEqualPay to help raise awareness to […]