News & Gossip

Colin Kaepernick's National Anthem protest raises the question of who determines who's American.

The quarterback recently declared he will not stand during the national anthem until race relations change for the better and justice is served. As expected, the 28-year-old has received plenty of backlash for the profound protest, but he's also received support.

People were surprised when teammate Eric Reid and Seattle Seahawk Jeremy Lane sat out as well in response to strained race relations in America.

Plus, Rachel Dolezal is back headlining a natural hair rally and Ferguson's police department is having a hard time filling vacancies.

News & Gossip

Roland Martin sat down with legendary actor and civil rights activist Harry Belafonte on Wednesday for an exclusive interview. During their discussion, Martin and Belafonte covered a variety of topics, including Colin Kaepernick’s decision to sit during the National Anthem at football games. Belafonte, who is no stranger to taking a stand on an unpopular issue, shared […]

A few weeks ago, the Carolina Panthers quarterback said, 'We’re beyond that as a nation' when asked about race relations, and his latest comment may be just as controversial.

Colin Kaepernick sparked outrage with some NFL fans when he decided not to stand up for the National Anthem- a constitutional right that he has. Despite that fact, the debate about whether or not he should be “allowed” to do so wages on. But Jeff Johnson explains what is inherently wrong with criticizing anyone, let […]

News & Gossip

Ever since the news first broke that San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick publicly announced that he would no longer stand during the national anthem due to the way black people are treated in this country, there have been a flood of opinions of both support and disagreement. On Tuesday, former NFL player Rodney Harrison […]

Entertainment News

We gotta stop referring to Kanye's speeches as rants. It's disrespectful considering all the truth he's spoken over the years.

Like many others, the former football player agrees with quarterback's cause, just not the way he's going about it.

"If they take football away, my endorsements from me, I know that I stood up for what is right."