News & Gossip

America wants its obese population to be healthier, so they create treatment programs and throw money at bariatric organizations. Russians are a bit more pragmatic…

He sounds like he is trying to do some dry snitching on some other players. ….. what do you think???? Read the full story here:

News & Gossip

According to TMZ, Singer Akon thinks if women would just accept that men were not designed to have sex with just one woman forever then everyone…

News & Gossip

TMZ reports that Kim Kardashian was just pulled over on an L.A. freeway and it caused total pandemonium.  Law enforcement sources tell TMZ, Kim was attempting…

This Kendrick reign just won’t let up! Capping off a successful 2013, Kendrick Lamar was crowned rapper of the year by the good folks over at…

Continuing his promotional world tour for “Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues,” Will Ferrell filmed a video with electronic dance music DJs and newly crowned pop…

It’s been eight months since Pedro Quezada (pictured right) got lucky by winning the fourth-largest lottery pot in history at a whopping $338 million. Now Quezada is…

Now this is one for the ages a Californian woman that was about to undergo breast cancer surgery organized a flash mob in the operating room and had everyone in the operating room rocking and dancing to Beyonce’s “Get Me Bodied” Beyonce caught wind of the video and reposted on her page in support! Check […]

News & Gossip

We may have to add this to a the list of reasons magician David Blaine needs to make Kanye West disappear. A video has surfaced…

  While making a tour stop in Dallas, Texas, Drake decided to treat his fans with an unexpected performance from Cash Money alum Juvenile. Juvie…

A Russian artist nailed his testicles to the ground in protest against his country’s authoritarian regime. Read the full story and see the video here:

Ever since Pinky became a popular actress in adult films, rumors have persisted that she had contracted HIV while working in the high-risk porn industry.…