National News

A truly wonderful story of a young boy who became his mother's guardian angel when she needed him the most.

Dre’s ‪#‎breakfastbite‬.. ‪#‎Empire‬ -vs- ‪#‎Scandal‬, which season premiere do you think was better? ‪#‎Baltimore‬ @92qjamsbmore @DreJohnson1 #Scandal hands down. — K. Berns (@Kippy_McLovin) September 25,…

Dre’s ‪#‎breakfastbite‬.. Pastor Jamal Bryant ends his run for Congress. Are you surprise? Chereese Barrett You don’t say!!! Lol! Not a bit surprised the big…

A chilling story of two sons who tried to kill their parents. But their parents have forgiven them and want the world to do the same.

H Street in Washington D.C. wasn’t always known for its vibrant store fronts and electic mix of cultured professionals, celebrating life. There was a period…

Also in today's news roundup, an associate of Dylann Roof has been arrested by the FBI in connection with the Emanuel AME shooting and John Boehner is being pressured by the Republicans to cut funding from Planned Parenthood.

Fiorina isn't immune to critique from last night's performance, but it's very likely that her approval ratings will go up from the second GOP debate.

@drejohnson1’s #breakfastbite.. The Governor wants answers about the lack of AC in #Baltimore County #Schools, but didn’t mention anything about #Baltimore City schools. What are…

The H Street Festival in Washington, DC will honor Radio One’s Founder Ms. Cathy Hughes by naming the corner of 4th & H Street NE…

Dre’s ‪#‎breakfastbite‬.. The ‪#‎BetHipHopAwards2015‬ nods for “Lyricist of the Year” are in! Who do you think should win ‪#‎BigSean‬, ‪#‎Drake‬, ‪#‎JCole‬, ‪#‎KendrickLamar‬ or ‪#‎Nickiminaj‬? @92qjamsbmore…

Blake says that Officer James Frascatore should no longer be a part of the NYPD due to his incompetence and violent behavior.

This is the most forthcoming Clinton has been in saying "sorry" for the issue to the public.