In 2018 the news of a viral social media game called The Momo Challenge circulated around the internet sparking fear in parents with young children who spend hours tapping away on their tablets and laptops. The origins of Momo varies with reports of the dangerous game starting on WhatsApp, players received deadly tasks from an […]

Keeping up a perfect social media image is a difficult task that we all can admit to trying to maintain at least once in our online lifetime. Those filtered vacation pictures on Instagram look great but they don’t show the mountain of debt it took to pay for that wonderful trip to Italy. Scrolling quickly […]

When I think of the first black owned business I’ve ever supported, countless trips to Alex Walker’s barbershop on the northside of Kalamazoo, Michigan vividly flashes into my mind. I can still picture the multiple side tables with Jet magazines stacked high and the smell of an assortment of black hair products in the air. […]


Facebook has a new feature that will allow you to use certain “keywords” and avoid things like movie and TV spoilers, politics, sports event, or the Kardashians. Facebook will then filter out posts that use those keywords for the next 30 days.  It’s called “keyword snooze.” Follow The Beat On Twitter:  Sign Up For Our Newsletter!  […]

People all over the world are freaking out with the recent hack on Facebook! Everyones pages can easily be accessed and your information given out to random spam advertisers and even worse- creepy stalkers or bank account hackers. Luckily, they’ve allowed US the PEOPLE to download our entire Facebook archive of life to see exactly […]


Things are getting worse and worse for Zuckerberg. He’s been in court recently and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better. Personally, I don’t think people will stop using FB but you should consider deleting these mentioned items. Follow The Beat On Twitter: Sign Up For Our Newsletter! The Latest:

A teacher from a Dallas suburb says she had to quit her job because of rude parents, bad kids and poor pay!  She posted pics from her classroom and her explanation that she posted on Facebook below!  A lot of people were commenting in response to her Facebook post which has gone viral and a […]

Facebook has become a mecca for news, viral videos and catching up with family and friends you haven’t seen in years. The social network is the birthplace of the social media rant — and sometimes you just want to unfollow folks for a little while. Thanks to the good folks at FB, now you can […]

If 75 percent of your day is spent on Facebook, it’s a no brainer that all your basic needs should be accessible with a click of the screen. Facebook is making sure they have you covered with their just released “Order Food” app. Facebook’s vice president of local, Alex Himel, described the new function in […]

Facebook Live videos have been instrumental in police investigations. Here are five infamous cases.

Steve Stephens, who killed a man via viral Facebook live stream, reportedly committed suicide after a police chase.

Facebook's Vice President of Global Operations, Justin Osofsky, released a statement announcing the platform's intentions to modify processes.